  • API Documentation, Technical Writing & Translations
  • Français

CRM, Sales Forces, Digital Marketing

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🧩 Coheris by ChapsVision

Mission without intermediary

Mission to redesign the documentation of the Coheris CRM software suite by ChapsVision, in French and in English.


Coheris CRM by ChapsVision is a software suite with a rich history, intended for customer service, sales forces and digital marketing.

The Coheris CRM documentation is substantial and includes installation, updating, integration (REST APIs, external data flows), configuration and functional administration.

Consulting Activity

The existing documentation was obsolete, as much by the format of the deliverable (PDF), by the tools used (FrameMaker, Word, AsciiDoc) as by the gap with the evolutions of the software suite these last years.

Using Frame Maker also had the disadvantage of blocking the updating of the documentation, as the R&D department that provides most of the content does not have the capacity to use FrameMaker.

So I proposed a docs-as-code solution that would allow collaborative R&D and Doc work and set up my 5th website with Docusaurus.

Docusaurus v2.2

New compared to the previous ones: in addition to the search engine, I have activated the i18N to provide the documentation in French and English.

Technical writing

As for the previous missions, I had to review the documentation thoroughly and use the application (including the creation of credible business data sets). I updated all screenshots and illustrations.

The REST APIs part of the documentation has also been completely redesigned and renewed.

The mission was carried out in docs-as-code mode in a GitLab environment.

Mission keywords

CRM, Digital Marketing.

Docusaurus, REST API, Visual Studio Code, Markdown, GitLab, Sourcetree.

This website is not public and therefore cannot be accessed from my Portfolio.