3DVIA is a company inside the group Dassault Systèmes.
“3DVIA provides enterprises and consumers, smart 3D space planning solutions that enable new ways to engage, consider, and make the best choice.”
3DVIA provides international companies and their customers with kitchen design (Home By Me for Kitchen Retailers) and interior design (Home By Me for Home Retailers) solutions in 3D. It also offers the general public a 3D planning website: Home By Me.
3DVIA has developed four applications: a 3D geometry application for the integration and modification of assets, an application for assembling the different components of a kitchen furniture, an application for interfacing with the database. As well as a kitchen planning application that can be integrated into the partner’s website.
The work focused on the documentation of applications for kitchen designers “Home By Me for Kitchen Retailers”. This involved supporting the migration of existing documentation in HTML to Docusaurus as well as completely rewriting certain sections.
Documentation migration to Docusaurus v1:
Technical writing in English:
Review of part of the API.
The work was mainly done in Markdown in Visual Studio Code for integration into Docusaurus v1.