These legal notices comply with the Sections 6-III and 19 of the French law for the Confidence in Digital Economy.

  • Website publisher: This website is published by Mme Florence Venisse EI
  • Legal Form: “Entreprise Individuelle” (individual company)
  • Name: Mme Florence Venisse EI
  • Creation Date: February 4, 2019
  • SIRET: 428 101 711 00045
  • Exempt from registration in the Trade and Companies Register and the Directory of Trades
  • NACE Code: 7022Z
  • VAT applicable due to exceeding the threshold, art. 293 B of the CGI
  • Country: France
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Madame Florence Venisse EI


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This Website must be considered as an indissociable whole, protected by the French law for Copyright and Intellectual Property.

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All rights reserved © Copyright 2019- 2022 Coffee Cup - Mme Florence Venisse EI, Igny, France.